Thursday, May 27, 2010

The River

today's writing prompts from here. Thanks Susan!

The River

The morning sky,
purple with just a hint of azure blue,
beckons me towards a very near future.

I pause at the door.
All my senses impacted by the
cool in the air,
song of the birds,
smell of the jasmine,
Dew on the grass,

There’s a sound in the wind
step over,
go now,
leave that which is holding you back.
Treasure awaits!

I hesitate for way too long
wondering if what could be,
can be,
would be,
in fact, better than the less than I’ve held on to
for far too long.

Suddenly, just beyond what is right in front of me,
I hear the sound of laughter
I look up to see
The sky lightening on the horizon.
The sun not yet up
But somehow reflected
In the river.
My healing is there.
My destiny there.
My impressionable soul no longer able to contain itself.
I leave behind what is no longer precious
and run,
For the deep that calls to me.

Falling more than once along the way,
I get up.
Press through.
Scramble over.
Until I dive headlong into
Joy unspeakable.
The river wilder than I could’ve imagined,
Yet life giving
to those who flow within
And even those thirsty ones touched by it.
The sun begins to rise
“Quickly,” it calls “Come quickly
The day is almost here.”


susan sonnen said...

Absolutely beautiful, Gina! And looking through your posts, not only am I impressed with your talent, but also with your dedication.

trying to write ... said...

thanks! <3