Thursday, January 21, 2010

Twitterlit prompt: A perfect;y nice place to live

It would have been a perfectly nice place to live, if of course it hadn’t been for the rumors of the ghosts on the third floor. The house itself was Victorian with just enough gingerbread to make you believe it was from another time and place. The windows, leaded every single one of them. Most of them plain except for the little diamond just to give credence to the fact that they were in face lead. The breakfast nook window however was a stained glass of wisteria so beautiful that you just knew whomever had made it loved what they were doing.
The yard was beautiful with a cottage garden that ran all around with old fashioned flowers that bloomed each in its season and a little rose garden path with the old fashioned sort of roses whose scent you could smell from half a block away.
Yes it would have been a perfectly nice place to live but no one lived there because of the rumors of the ghosts that lived on the third floor and so, sadly, they had to live there alone.

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